Wow. It feels good to be back in bloggerville. It’s been a
Welp, never thought I’d say this: but I went to the Czech
Republic last week. I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t really even know where the
Czech Republic was until this summer. And, in case you don’t know either, it’s
in eastern Europe, just west of Poland. And, that’s a looooong way away. The
girls I traveled with, Jill, Millie, Sarah, Melinda and I, had to take a 15
hour over-night train from Eindhoven to Prague. I don’t know if I ever really
fully expressed how horrible the overnight train back from Venice was; we had to
sleep in chairs that reclined about two inches and we were continually awoken
by police arresting illegal immigrants and conductors asking for our
reservations….not my favorite experience. But we learned our lesson from that
train and reserved ourselves a coachette, which is basically a 6x6 room with 6
bunks. It's cozy. Yeah, cozy, that’s what we’ll call it. But,
hey, it’s definitely better than sleeping on a chair.
We shared a room with Taylor. And I think the word 'hippie' sums her up pretty well. Originally from Colorado,s he’d been traveling around Europe for the past 3 months. It was interesting to get to know her and hear all about her adventures, and get some insight and advice concerning our future travel plans.
We shared a room with Taylor. And I think the word 'hippie' sums her up pretty well. Originally from Colorado,s he’d been traveling around Europe for the past 3 months. It was interesting to get to know her and hear all about her adventures, and get some insight and advice concerning our future travel plans.
Here is a picture of our cozy lil’ coachette.
The next morning we woke up early, which was lucky, considering
the train conductor did not come by with our wake-up call until we were in
Prague….thanks, conductor. We were so anxious to get off the train, stood by
the window for the final 20 minutes of the train ride. As we pulled into
Prague, you could see the nearly the entire city. The rustic orange rooftops
and the occasional tall gothic tower were first to catch my attention. It's a really a very pretty city. But looks different than Western Europe for sure.
After exiting the train, it quickly became obvious that we were no longer in Western Europe. First off, there is very little English; nearly everything was written in Czech, a language which was nearly impossible to decipher….seriously, just look at the words on this street sign:
After exiting the train, it quickly became obvious that we were no longer in Western Europe. First off, there is very little English; nearly everything was written in Czech, a language which was nearly impossible to decipher….seriously, just look at the words on this street sign:
(photo cred: Melinda Zanner)
tucked our money into our always-stylish money belts and made our way to our hostel. Unable to
decipher the Czech signs and winding streets, we founded ourselves to be
completely lost. Thankfully, we ran into Jordy, one of the guys we had met on the train, and he had
a GPS on his phone which he allowed us to use. So we found our
hostel, The Old Prague Hostel, at last! Lesson learned: it’s always helpful to make friends
with fellow Americans. Especially the Americans with GPS on
their phones.
We dropped off our bags and made our way back out to the
city. We found ourselves wandering the streets and window
shopping. It was fun to wander, but I was very thankful that we were going to be getting a tour of the
city at 2pm. I'm realizing that I find it extremely frustrating to be walking around a
city and seeing all of these possibly really important monuments and not
knowing what I was seeing or what history I was missing. I had done some
research before leaving Maastricht, but it’s still very difficult to know what I am seeing once I’m actually there.
So I was very excited when we found our tour guide in the Old Town
Square. She was a young woman from Minnesota and had been living in Prague for
about 3 years. She was very easy to understand, energetic and very knowledgeable
about the city, which made for a good tour. The tour lasted
nearly 4 hours but it was SO good! She walked us through most of the major
areas and historical monuments throughout the city. Here are some of the sights
we got to see:
Jan Hus statue
the Czechs love their Marionettes
....even ones that look like Michael Jackson and Captain Jack Sparrow.
Fun fact: this is actually a central location
where the Czechs meet up for blind dates!
yes, I did sing “Good King Wenceslas” while standing in this square. Like I always's never too early for Christmas carols.
LOVED this guy:
...can i keep him?
clock strikes every hour on the hour. (To see what happens on the hour, click here to see my video! Watch the little marionettes on the wall and the man playing the trumpet at the top!)
Our tour guide tried to explain to us how to read an astronomical clock, but I think I’ll just stick with my nice little analog watch, thank you very much. It's much easier.
Here’s a fun fact about the
Czech Republic. There are only 365
names for men and women that parents can choose from for their children. Those
names are written on this clock and everyone gets to celebrate their name day.
So you basically get two birthdays in one year, which is awesome! However, as a
result, your name might be Anežka, Bohuslava, Dobroslav, or
Vavřinec….which is kinda unfortunate. And it also suppresses the creativity of parents when thinking of names for their babies... But considering that in America we have celebrities getting TOO creative and are naming their kids Apple, I guess
it’s not a bad idea.
Jewish Cemetery:

was so good to learn the history of the city because, by the end of the tour, I
had developed a deep respect and compassion for the people of Prague. It was so incredible to
hear about how much war and oppression these people had endured…and so
recently! And
all of that history was right there in the city and was reflected in their
culture. For example, their National Anthem is titled “Where is My Home?”
which is fitting, considering their government and borderlines had been
changed so often, it’s hard to feel like their own country is home. And, interestingly enough, the
Czech Republic is actually the most atheistic country in the world and the has the highest
consumption of beer, which are apparently both results of all of the oppression they have endured. But, despite all of
the hardship, the Czechs love their country, and I was really humbled by their
loyalty to their homeland.
The tour concluded in a heavy rainstorm. So we quickly found shelter and
grabbed some dinner (the best sausage and potatoes I have EVER had) in the Old
Town Square. AND we got some desserts. The Czechs definitely do dessert right there:
There were hundreds of people watching the Poland vs. Greece Euro Cup game in the Old Town Square and so we stayed and watched until the end of the game. We rooted for the Polish, mostly because everyone else around us was cheering for them too. You really don’t want to be caught rooting for the wrong team in a foreign country.
morning, we made our way towards Charles Bridge, which was on the way to the
Here we are on Charles Bridge....see the castle in the background???
(photo cred: Melinda Zanner)
(photo cred: Melinda Zanner)
The castle in Prague is actually the
largest Medieval castle in the world and so we could see it from nearly any place in the city, but it
takes a while to get to it because the roads are so winding. (Why can't ever place in the world be like Wichita and just use the grid system? It's so much easier.) But we finally made it to castle, after making our
way through the crowd, and up the couple hundred stairs (with all the stairs and walking I
have done this summer, I expect to have calves of steel by August. just sayin.) Because the castle sits atop a hill, the view from the castle
walls is spectacular. All of Prague can be seen and it was exciting to see the monuments
from afar, like we did on the incoming train, only this time we actually knew
what we were looking at.
had expected the castle to be one large building, but I soon discovered that
the castle is actually made up of many different buildings. The first building
we entered was St. Vitus Cathedral.
This is the tallest building in the castle and was the location of the
Czech coronations.
The next building we saw in the castle was the Old
Royal Palace, which was originally called the Pernštejn Palace, built in the 9th
century. Perhaps the most historically significant room in that entire palace
holds the “Defenestration Window.”
This window is famous for its significance prior to the Thirty Years
War. For those of you who haven’t
taken a history class in a while, the Thirty Years War was a result of the Holy
Roman emperor's attempt to force his Bohemian subjects to return to the
Catholicism. Such tension climaxed in 1618 when Protestants, in an act of
rebellion, threw Catholic Imperial ministers from THIS window! Having studied
the Thirty Years War, it was exciting to actually see the window. Amazingly, the Catholic men survived the fall… but that was because
they landed in a giant pile of manure. Not sure what’s worse: being thrown out of a window or landing in a pile of manure. Either way, the men were not happy and
thus began the Thirty Years War.
The Defenestration Window
Next, we made our way into St. George Basilica.
Located her are the tombs of St. Ludmila, the first Christian Duke of Bohemia,
her husband, Prince Borivoi, and Prince Vratislav, the father of St. Wenceslas
are all buried here. Unfortunately, I did not have much previous knowledge of
these saints and, therefore, my appreciation for the Basilica was limited.
The final place at which we stopped during our stay at the
castle was the Golden Lane. This
lane, which is basically just a street along the outer wall of the castle
complex, has been around since the 15th century. It was a popular residential area for
goldsmiths, hence the name “Golden Lane.”
However, today, it is an area for tourists to shop and learn about
medieval weaponry and textiles. I even got to learn how to shoot a cross bow
here! And, yes, I even hit the target. Be impressed.
our time at the castle, we made a quick stop at the CHOCOLATE MUSEUM. Czechs aren't really known for their chocolate but the guy out front said 'free chocolate' and so there was really no question about it.
Here is our Czech chocolatier, making some delicious hazelnut chocolate for us. YUM.
After that, we grabbed the same dinner we'd had the previous night (because it
was THAT delicious!) and made our way to the train station.
We unfortunately had
to sit in chairs on our train ride back, which was, of course, not comfortable.
But we made the best of it.
The next morning, our
train arrived in Eindhoven an hour earlier than what our ticket said. An HOUR early! Trains are NEVER early in Europe. So we were obviously all still fast asleep when the train pulled up into the station. But thankfully Jill woke
up while our train was stopped and woke us all up. We scrambled off the train,
still in our pajamas. The train conductor was outside and so we asked him why we
had arrived so early. "I know a short-cut," he said with a wink. A short-cut? How do you know a short-cut on a train? Whatever route he took, I'm just glad I was asleep during all of it.
had a wonderful weekend in Prague, and would’ve loved to have stayed longer,
but we were all happy to be back ‘home’ in Maastricht.
is an incredible city full of history and beauty; it definitely exceeded my expectations. I would have
loved to have stayed longer but hopefully I can go back some day and see it all
again. If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend that you ‘czech’ it out!
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